Nervous System Reset Specialist

Kinesiologist & TRE provider, London UK

Fully qualified TRE and kinesiologist addressing physical, emotional, energetic and chemical aspects of health

  • TRE

    TRE helps reset the ‘fuse box’. It awakens the nervous system, so we feel ourselves to be more open, able to connect and engage with the world and those around us. Trauma is not so much held in the narrative of our mind but in the narrative of our physiology. TRE is a safe and comfortable way to explore, and be curious as to what the body needs to say whilst being a present and active observer.

  • Kinesiology

    Kinesiology is a non-intrusive holistic modality, that through muscle testing, uses the energetic bio-feedback system of the body to find where imbalances stem from. Kinesiology works naturally with the body, allowing it to return to its natural state of healing. Kinesiology is beneficial for everyone. People can often feel the difference after the first session.

Meet Luke

I am a certified Systematic Kinesiologist and TRE Provider. I work on anxiety and stress patterns held in the body. I believe in the body’s innate ability to heal. With support anything is surmountable, and in a safe environment we can be ‘with’ instead of being ‘in’ our feelings, enabling us to find the space to promote self healing.

We will work together to find your own potential for healing.

Book an Appointment

My practice is dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment. Please reach out with any questions, or use the button below to schedule an appointment.